Sunday, April 03, 2011

Game Online

Hi my dear friends….
This is a second post in this blog. Now, I will give you some information about game online.

Nowadays, game online is being an interesting phenomenon in the internet. Not only teenagers and adults, but also children are playing it. Moreover, many children are very enjoying play it. Children can access them in “Warnet”, computer in their home, and many more easily. Game online also gives positive and negative effects, especially for children.
The positive effects of games online in children are:
1.      Practice their carefulness, concentration, and develop their knowledge.
In the game online, children can practice their carefulness, such as arrange a strategy to attack their enemy. Not only can practice their carefulness, they can also develop their knowledge about technology, especially computer. They can learn more about how to operate computer.
2.      Practice English
They can practice reading English and increase their vocabulary in the game online.
3.      Increase how to brain work.
Adventure’s game can increase sharpness of the brain and critical thinking in play the game.

Beside the positive effects, game online also gives negative effect to the children. The negative effects of games online in children are:
1.      Game addicted on children.
2.      Waste their time and money.
3.      Harm to the health.

Posted by: Sri Dafiyanti

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